From Polarization to Inclusion


Each Nodal Partner is equipped to screen in its own premises the same video-clips from the Cave 3.0 opera and selected pages of the Red Book. Visitors and audience from the neighbourhood in which they are located, are asked to share in an anonymous survey by means of a dedicated app, their impressions, thoughts, feelings and insights stimulated by the perception of the same audio-video material and of the overall meta-installation.

Targeted research
Even though over the last 30 years the involved neighbourhoods have demographically greatly changed — less in the centre, more in the periphery — their original cultural, social and ethnic connotation are still readable. The research is conducted on the base of two fundamental markers: the specific demographics in which the institution is located; and the activity and services it offers on the territory.

The demographic plane
On the demographic plane, the Eye and the Cave meet at halfway in the School of Visual Art in the Gramercy district, where Midtown Manhattan encounters the East Village, the Middle plane of the Matrix, at the conjunction of very diversified demographics, mid point between high and low culture, between learned & cultivated art and craft, craftsmanship, handicraft, artefact.

Data-driven analysis during 21 days
The data-driven analysis on an expected sample of ca. 10.000 direct and 100.000 indirect visitors during the 21 days running of the installation will extract knowledge from the different socio-culturally marked response, supply inputs, metrics and provide data to measure:
The gradient of the same cultural stimulus in varying micro-demographics
How human subjects interact one another within an urban environment in the digital age
How in the digital age art can integrate different systems of representation in the perception of an artwork
The cultural impact of each institutions on the urban fabric
How partnership and collaboration among cultural institutions can advance the community’s intelligence towards a higher-order of integration and performance.

The main points of the survey plan are summarised here.

White Book with findings
The findings will be published in a printed White Book, as well released outside the physical limits of the meta-installation via the web platforms and social media outlets of the project. It will be as well presented by the Spanda Foundation side-event at the autumnal equinox on the occasion of the high-level opening week of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to sensitise relevant institutions on the effectiveness of culture as the main driver for a self-sustainable common good.


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